Your donations are used for our Rebuilding Hope service projects to assist our brothers and sisters in need whom we are called to serve. Help us serve and form servant hearts. Donate your time or treasure today.
Your donations restores hope to our brothers and sisters in need whom we are called to serve through our service programs.
Stand in solidarity with those in need. Join our dedicated team and leave your mark.
Inspire Hope. Contact us today to find out how your business can assist those in need.​
If you have any questions while making your donation please contact us at
Rebuilding Hope Missions is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation which is exempt from federal income tax by virtue of inclusion in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Group Ruling (GEN 0928). Rebuilding Hope Missions Employer Identification Number (EIN):83-0719645. Contributions will be used for the purpose(s), if any, specified by the donor. However, if in the judgment of Rebuilding Hope Missions, such purpose(s) become unnecessary, undesirable, impractical or impossible to fill, Rebuilding Hope Missions may use such contributions for its general missions.
Rebuilding Hope highly values security and privacy which is why our website is secured using HTTPS and SSL technology. A Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL certificate, allows visitors to view our site over an encrypted connection. HTTPS secures the connection between your browser and the site you’re visiting. We handle all donations using PayPal a secure payment system which dedicates significant resources toward a strong infrastructure and adheres to both strict internal security policies and industry security initiatives.
After Rebuilding Hope Receives your donation, you will receive an email receipt thanking you for your contribution. We encourage you to keep your receipt for tax purposes.
At the moment, Rebuilding Hope Missions is not able to offer refunds or cancellations on donations. Thank you for your support.
Rebuilding Hope Missions does not store your credit card information after the transaction is complete. We collect information on our website when a donor makes a contribution to the work of Rebuilding Hope Missions or if a request is lodged for information concerning a particular issue. This information is used to develop relationships with our supporters and to continually enhance the Rebuilding Hope Missions Website.