In mid-October 2018 the Rebuilding Hope team was invited to tour several parishes in great need on the island of Puerto Rico. As you will see from the pictures, Hurricane Maria took a massive toll on the chapels which once served as proud gathering places for each community.

Chapel No. 1: Maria Immaculada
Located in the Barrancas neighborhood of Barranquitas, this chapel is missing large portions of its roof. Due to the gaping holes, water continues to damage steel frames and flooring.
Chapel No. 2: Sagrado Corazón
Also located in hard hit Barranquitas, the Sacred Heart chapel managed to keep larger portions of its steel roof than Maria Immaculada, but still experienced massive water damage. Due to flooding, the floor tiles have been completely removed, and the interior is chaotic and unusable. This chapel needs a new exterior roof solution, ceiling tiling, flooring, interior and exterior paint, and could require electrical repairs.
Chapel No. 3: Maria Auxiliadora
This chapel takes its name from Mary Help of Christians. Of the three chapels we saw it is perhaps the most in need of extensive repairs. Massive sections of the steel roof are missing, water damage abounds, and the cost of repair weighs heavy on the parish.
The value of a chapel in small rural communities like these is immeasurable. It serves as a meeting place, a place of hope and faith in a world that constantly humbles us. In their current state, these chapels cannot be used. Mass has not been celebrated in these communities in months.
Your parish can fix this. Your family can fix this. Individuals and groups in the Archdiocese of Atlanta are working together with these parishes to bring these Eucharistic meeting places back to life. If you or your parish would like to adopt one of these chapels as a sister parish, please contact us at
You can support our mission by donating here.
God Bless,
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